Let’s Freshen Up that Wardrobe

Freshen Up!

A new season is pretty much upon us and we all want / “need” the new trends out there, but well; there’s always a but.  I have some really important tips that could help you freshen up your spring and summer wardrobe without really breaking the bank.

Begin, by going through your closet. Try absolutely everything on from your spring and summer wardrobe and make an area in your room for two piles. There is a donate pile and a keep pile.  You should always clean out your closet at least two times a year in the fall and spring to make room for the new things that you want. Another good clean out tip is if you havent worn it or even looked at it in 6 months it should probably go. The last step of the clean out is to memorize the things you will be keeping. You don’t want to buy similar pieces, but you do want to buy pieces that will go with and compliment your already existing wardrobe.

Now that you know your wardrobe let’s go over the practical ways to buy this years trends.  Real Simple Magazine came up with a list of Spring/ Summer Essentials. These are basic items that will remain in style such as a cardigan and cotton dress. I’m sure most of us have these pieces already, but for the ones you don’t have incorporate a 2012 trend into on of these items. (Click here for Real Simple List)

Now that you’ve seen the list here are the easiest trends to use with these essentials:

  1. Florals
  2. Stripes
  3. White
  4. Bold, Bright, or Pastel Color
  5. Lace

For some examples to help you out I went shopping this weekend with my friend Liz to help freshen up my wardrobe.  Here are my purchases:

  1. Bright Pink Blazer
  2. Pastel V-Neck Tees
  3. Bright Yellow Floral Dress
  4. Flowy Gray Top
  5. Yellow, Flowy, Lace Striped Tank

Of course, we want to have fun with our wardrobes as well so buy that funky piece you had your eye on. Another trend for the warmer months are Pop Accessories. For this trend I bought a bright blue belt with a bow, cheetah print, flat leather flip-flops, and blue, yellow, pink thin headbands. All of these items cost a little less than $120.

(All items from either Forever 21 or Old Navy)

With my new purchases and existing wardrobe I can make so many different looks. Check back in the coming weeks as I dedicate a full week of posts on how many looks you can get from one simple item. From blazers to T-shirts I your spring/summer wardrobe set on a budget.

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